What is AirID and How Does It Work?

What is AirID and How Does It Work?

AirID and AirID Mini are secure digital identity devices designed to protect sensitive data and ensure secure access to digital services and networks. They function like intelligent, easy-to-use electronic keys that safely store your digital information. The devices connect wirelessly (via Bluetooth) or via USB to computers, tablets, and smartphones to authenticate your identity without the need to remember complex passwords.

How Do AirID and AirID Mini Work?

AirID: A secure card reader that holds smart cards (such as employee ID cards or healthcare cards). It is recognized as both a Bluetooth device and a USB reader, allowing flexible use in various work environments. Users can use their cards to securely access their devices or specific digital services and verify their identity.

AirID Mini: A smaller, portable version of the AirID that offers similar functions but is even more compact. It is ideal for people who need a portable solution for secure digital access.

Additional Features and Use Cases

Access Control


AirID devices can be used for physical access control to ensure that only authorized persons gain entry to specific areas or buildings.

Integration into PKI Infrastructures


AirID devices can be seamlessly integrated into Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to enable strong authentication methods, such as digital signatures and encryption.

Flexible Use Without PKI


Even without a PKI environment, the devices offer high security through standalone encryption and authentication.


AirID and AirID Mini are secure digital identity devices designed to protect sensitive data and ensure secure access to digital services. They can connect via Bluetooth or USB to various devices. AirID functions as a secure card reader, while AirID Mini provides a compact, portable solution. Both devices can be used for digital authentication and physical access control and integrate seamlessly into Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to ensure high security.